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  • The goal and main objective of career counselling is to provide our students with the skills and knowledge needed to make important decisions throughout their life.
  • Also help in accepting actual or impending changes that are resulting from stress, involving in psychological, emotional, and intellectual functioning.
  • To encourage them to examine the available alternatives and to decide on the appropriate and useful choices for problem solving.
  • Assisting individuals to develop their ability to understand them, to solve their own problems, and to make appropriate adjustments to their environment.
  • Acknowledge and helping the individual’s interest and personality traits and guiding them in a way they opt to choose their career and plan ahead for their future.
  • Encouraging and motivating the young minds to face the life’s challenges with ease by rendering new guidance and helping them to accomplish their goals.

Types of tests internally conducted

We, at VAELS conduct three psychometric assessments on our student to find out his/her personality, interest, and multiple intelligence respectively which will help him/her to choose a right career choice, enabling him/her to endure success in future.

Holland formulated 6 factors like Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional to describe both the persons and their work environments and is the theory of careers and vocational choice, providing an interpretative structure for a number of different vocational interest surveys, helping us to understand our aspirations and professional potential.

  • Realistic – The doers
  • Investigative – The thinkers
  • Artistic – The creators
  • Social – The helpers
  • Enterprising – The decision makers
  • Conventional – The organizers

The 6 factors used to describe both the persons and their work environments and the theory of careers and vocational choice, providing an interpretative structure for a number of different vocational interest surveys is given by Holland. The 6 personalities and work environment types are taken together and formulated as RIASEC helping us to understand our aspirations and professional potential. The 6 factors are

  • Realistic – The doers
  • Investigative – The thinkers
  • Artistic – The creators
  • Social – The helpers
  • Enterprising – The decision makers
  • Conventional – The organizers

This is by Howard Gardner where we have 8 multiple intelligences which are common to all of us, but the degree and level of these intelligences vary from one individual to another due to individual genetic predispositions, learning environment, the level of support and motivation within an eco-system and so on. Through this test we try to answer “How am I smart” rather than “How smart I am”.

  • Linguistic Intelligence – Skill to learn and use correct words
  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence – Skill to understand numbers and applying logic
  • Visual-Spatial Intelligence – Skill to understand by seeing and imagining
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence – Skill to play with your own body
  • Musical Intelligence – Skill to understand tone, sound and pitch
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence – Skill to understand yourself
  • Interpersonal Intelligence – Skill to understand others
  • Naturalistic Intelligence – Skill to understand nature and using touch, taste and smell

Individual counseling allows the individuals to express their emotions, thoughts and behaviors through challenging or influential memories, identifying the aspects of their lives to be changed, understanding themselves by setting personal goals and work towards their desired goal.

We identify the problems, plan interventions, evaluate and diagnose the results and inform the students to explore their habits, behaviors and feelings causing harm like substance abuse, addiction, anxiety, depression, negative relationships giving them the time and space to work out their problems.

Students gain a different sense of happiness on getting a safe, non-judgmental and respectful environment, regaining their wellbeing and balance in their life.

Lot of patience, empathy, tolerance and preventing self-harm through self-knowledge and self- care is accepted here in our individual counselling which cannot be dealt in groups.

Purpose of conducting the tests

Assessments are the important tools in career guidance, helping us to gather relevant information on the student’s performance or progress, to make judgments on student’s interests about their learning process by providing every day’s feedback about their learning and teaching process.

Each test provides the students with a sense of what they understand and know about a subject to indicate their performance improvement and their focus on their career interests. Assessments play a great role in shaping the student with lots of information on their career interest, personality and multiple intelligence.

After the completion of this test, student will come to identify his area of interest, his career choice and the procedure to achieve his/her career success on individual counselling basis. We, at school level encourage each child to initiate themselves to take up the test from grade 9 onwards to choose their careers and prepare their resumes for meeting with the demand and challenges for universities abroad and worldwide.
