How To Help Your Child Transition From Kindergarten To Primary School

October 26, 2022

It is a new stage for your child transitioning from kindergarten to primary school. It includes transitions in daily routines, social life, and emotional developments are included in the process of moving into a new learning environment. Parents have to work with their children to adapt to the new challenge based on their child’s capacities and readiness.

Some children are excited about the new experience, while others are concerned about the new learning demands, having new friends, or adapting to a new environment. These problems are temporary most of the time. If the situation is becoming too much for the family, it is vital to maintain an open attitude and contact the relevant professionals.

However, you can help your child prepare for the next level of education and the beginning of their real disciplined, process-oriented education in school.

But you can help your child prepare for school in the following ways.

  1. Keep up with your daily routines. Familiarise your child with the environment.
  2. You can walk around the school premises with your child. This is an excellent way to know about the school and the best place for them.
  3. Use the school’s website to help your child try out school facilities.
  4. Talk to your child about the classroom routines from the teacher in advance.
  5. Pick up and drop off can be arranged for your child
  6. Get to know other people. It is important to get acquainted with other parents by attending school functions and common social media groups.
  7. Allow your child to have enough rest after school if you keep their daily resting routine constant.
  8. Please encourage your child to express their feelings of anxiety and worry by drawing or writing them down.
  9. Prepare your child to be an independent learner. You can allocate short durations for the completion of their tasks. They should be encouraged to explore and solve everyday problems.
  10. To help them become a holistic learner and develop their learning interest in different areas, including language, arts, science, sports, and maths.
  11. Promote imagination and creativity. Beyond studies, art, music, and even poetry could be their lines of interest.
  12. Daily, read with your child. This helps them concentrate and learn faster.
  13. Please encourage your child to take on more responsibilities at home so they are prepared to help at school. They should be given clear duties such as cleaning the table, their toys, etc.
  14. It would be best if you familiarize the social changes to your child. Do encourage your child to play with other kids to help them learn to get along with everyone.
  15. When at home, engage in group discussions with your child to encourage open communication.

Suppose your child continues to show worry and anxiety over an extended period after transitioning from kindergarten to primary school. In that case, it is time to seek professional help from the school personnel.

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